Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Outing & Sad News

So...I may not be pregnant anymore, but I still have that whole pregnant brain thing going on. I can't download the pictures that I wanted to. I'll get Wes to do it tomorrow. He's sleeping now, because I have the best husband in the world and he's going to do the middle of the night feeding. I know. Be jealous. He's the best.
We made our first doctor's visit today. Jack is growing like a weed. He was down to 8lb 9oz when we left the hospital (completely normal--babies are supposed to lose up to 7% of their body weight in the first week. Jack however is back up to 8lb 13oz. The doctor was blown away. Everything checked out wonderfully. He is perfect...healthy and perfect. The sad news is that he has an elevated bilirubin, so he has to be on the bililight until the nurse comes tomorrow and rechecks his level and tells us we can take him off. It is so depressing. He's basically strapped to a tanning bed. (The pictures would help...I'll get them up soon). We have to leave him on there constantly unless he's eating or we are changing his diaper. It's so hard. We want to do nothing but hold him and love on him.
Grace is the best. The best daughter, big sister....you name it. Again, be jealous. She is so loving and understanding. I'm sure that trying times will come, but she is so proud of her family. So proud of her brother. She is such a good helper too. I am THE luckiest mommy in the world. The two most beautiful and loving children EVER.
And, to top it all off....my husband is better than yours, better than yours will ever be. I adore him. He adores our children.
Oh---and my parent's are better than yours too.
I'm the luckiest girl ever.

1 comment:

The Carter's said...

I hope Jack gets his count up so he can be taken off the 'tanning bed'. Abbey got close to having to do that, but her count was low enough that we just had to get her some sunlight.
Hope to see pictures soon! Hope you are getting some rest - I certainly don't miss those days (although I do miss Abbey being tiny - she's 6 months old today!!!)