Monday, July 7, 2008

Let's see who's really reading........

I found a game. It's going to let all my blog followers guess the weight of Baby Boy Farmer. Just a warning.....the doctor told us a couple of weeks ago to prepare for a linebacker. Seriously, she did. I'm not saying that to throw anyone's just the truth. Just follow the link, and it will prompt you....

Here's a glimpse, not a flattering glimpse, of just how huge he is.
This is not a flattering picture of myself, it is of Jake, and I am standing swaybacked because my nephew weighs a ton! is an idea.

Meanwhile, Grace is counting down the days until Kindergarten starts. She is so pumped! One month from today! Mom's going to come over soon, and we're all going to go back to school shopping. How fun! Grace is all ready a bit of a pain to shop with, so it will be nice to have my mom there for reinforcement. We will find out who her teacher is in a couple of weeks, I am so excited! And nervous!

Wes is working, and keeping busy with all of the projects I have for him. We painted the baby room. I took pictures, but my camera is currently being sent for repairs. It is so cute with stripes.

We went home last weekend for Jake's first birthday....enjoy the pictures!
In the water! Cake!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Good grief, Wes! I didn't know there was a link for the contest...I thought phoning in my vote would be enough. Are you happy now?! :)