......WE ARE!!!!
I must share with you some "rules" Wes found and read to me the other day. They may as well have been our vows. Are you ready?
1. From the first weekend in September until the end of the bowl season, the television is mine, at all times, without any exceptions. The remote control will be fingerprinted each night, any sign of your fingerprints and all shopping trips will be cancelled for a month.
2. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, for an important reason such as preparing snacks or getting the beers, I don't mind, as long as you crawl along the floor.
3. During the football season, read the sports section of the newspaper so that you understand who I'm yelling at during the season. As a tip, check the box scores for the referees' names too.
4. During the games I will be drunk as Cooter Brown. You cannot expect me to listen to you, open the door, kill any spiders, answer the phone, etc. It ain't gonna happen.
5. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least 2 six packs in the fridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble on, and please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they come over to watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between 12am and 6am, unless they replay a good game that I missed during the day.
6. Please, please, please!! if you see me upset because my team is losing, DO NOT say "get over it, it's only a game", or "don't worry, they'll win next time." If you say these things, you will only make me angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know more about football than me and your so called "words of encouragement" will only lead to a break up or divorce.
7. If a great play occurs while you are in the room, you may be required to freeze or repeat your act for the rest of the game as good mojo. If my team wins, you will be showered with gifts for the next 6 days. If they lose, you will be blamed repeatedly for moving, blinking or secretly not believing in your heart of the power of mojo.
8. Tell your friends NOT to get married, have any babies, or any other social related parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because:
I will not go, I will not go, and I will not go.
However, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Saturday to watch a game, we will be there before the Coors Light bottles reach "Code Blue".
9. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to me during halftime but only when the commercials are on, and only if the halftime score is pleasing me. College Gameday and the highlights on Saturday night are just as important as the games themselves. Even if I curse Lou, Herbie, and Corso like the anti-SEC, biased dogs that they are, I still want to hear what they say.
10. And finally, please save your expressions such as: "Thank God the football season is only during the Fall." I am immune to these words, because after this comes the NFL playoffs, the Pro Bowl, AFL, AFL2, the CFL, and the replays on the college sports channels.
If you know my husband, you know that these rules are serious. No messing around. Wes worked his tail off in the house this weekend, so that I would not bother him once Thursday rolls around and football starts. We are all anxious to see how he does midway through the season when there is a screaming baby in the house.
In all honestly though, Wes is a much better football fan than he used to be. He is still the most entertaining man to watch while he watches Tennessee play....but I have learned to accept and love him anyway. His passion is one of the things I love most about him, even if he is passionate about a bunch of college athletes.
In other news, Tropical Storm Faye is WEARING ME OUT!!!! All I want to do is sleep all day keep your comments to yourself). The rain is truly draining me. Maybe when I head back to work tomorrow it will be better.
Grace is wonderful! We are about to head to gymnastics....she is in the advanced class now. Still loving school. Making lots of friends.
Jack is growing like a weed. We get to have another 4D on Thursday, I can't wait to see him. We're just about finished with his room. It is very cute. And, thank goodness for baby Jacob. We won't ever have to buy any clothes. Jack's closet and dresser are FULL!!!! Just another reason that I have the best nephew in the world.
Oh, I know I have the best husband ever. His writing is far more eloquent than mine, but rest assured, he is loved.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Exciting times as Kerry and I got to see our handsome baby boy. Jack was a little bashful and a lot familiar, you can definitely tell that he is ours (i was a little worried). Grace was excited, she definitely took interest in pointing out his lips and his eyes and his hands and feet. He couldn't seem to understand why we wanted to play, and at times he was downright not cooperative. We go again next week, hopped up on coffee, to see if baby Jack "Lyte" will come out to play.
its a shame
when you show up to work everymorning and thoughts abound in your simple mind, not about work, but about the things you can accomplish today inspite of work.
Yes. Yes. I have been rooted in a deep and dark period of procrastination, one that has seen me resort to reading, shopping for a new wardrobe, creating projects for Baby Jack's room (if that is really his name), and checking my email 762 times a day hoping for signs of new employment.
My mind fights the urge to call my wife 14 times an hour it seems, not becuase I have anything important to say or ask, but simply becuase we both are extremely dependant on the other's thoughts, emotions, stabilities to exist when things just aren't......engaging. She is my fullback, my leadblocker, the staple of my offense. She is my safety, my playmaker, the backbone of my defense. I can always count on her, or so I am convinced. This often annoys her and in return leaves me bewildered.
How can she not have any exciting news, her life is rotund with vigor and intrigue. She is carrying the most precarious of beings around with her at all times. She has a husband that is to be worried about, at an elevated level, he is always at Alert Orange. Our daughter is currently concentrating on being a girl, an identity crisis she has overcome and now an identity concentration she has obtained. These things are riveting and conversation worthy, yet after our 6 conversations during the day, all I have been able to gather from her is that she is hungry, tired, and not amused by my phone calls.
I check her blog daily, and facebook stalk her, and only her, I am more than a little enamoured by a creature that is willing to cohabitate with me. She shares a bathroom with me. We shed equally. Maybe it's a fair trade.
There will come a time in many many lives when waking up and going to bed becomes routine, a simple inhale and exhale in our lives. but not my life, not our lives. You see, when I got married things were different, I had been preparing my entire life for things not to be that way. No, for 25 years I spent my nights lying awake scared as hell that I was going to mess up and get married, mess up and have a family, mess up and deeply impact the lives of the perfectly innocent. My vows were not to love honor and respect, til death do us part. Not in my mind, my vow was to run run run, and hope to live on without others knowing. Sadly, this was not meant to be. I was trapped, captured, tortured, and then engaged, only to become married. And now, IT IS ON!!!
I love my wife. I love her unexplainably, I love her unconditionally, I love her insanely. And it is not fair to her becuase most of the time, I love her ineffectively (word?). I expect too much of her, I want all of her, I need for her to know and understand, I look for her to be strong and stable, and I hope that she can provide and endure. And everyday, EVERDAY, she exists just the way that she needs to, just the way that she is supposed to, and everday I wonder will she be able to do it all again. And everymorning she does.
She is perfect, perfectly resilient, perfectly unstable, perfectly unkept, and pefectly imbalanced. She fits me like a 3 day old pants, soft and stretched to perfection, tattered and torn in only the way that you would appreciate fully. She is oh so warm and oh so comforting at just the right times. She is angry and stubborn in a way that always works. She is committed to being a new flavor, a new color, a new style everday just for me, only for me, and always for me. She loves me the way that was unimaginable to me 3 years ago when I was contemplating asking her to marry me.
My wife is better than yours, she is prettier, funnier, nicer, sweeter, she smells better, cooks better, takes care of the bills, makes babies that are amazing, and likes to watch football even if its only becuase its easier than asking me to change it. In the mornings, she kisses me even when I am asleep and won't remember, she eats cinamon toast cause its easy and yummy, and reads everyblog that she can get to becuase she loves people. I think she chose to be a nurse becuase of the wardrobe and she loves flowers. I miss her all the time, even when she is with me, becuase I can never get enough. I am addicted in a way that scares me. I never ever thought I would be at this point, I wouldn't let myself. I knew that I would mess it up, and I might, cause....you know....its possible. But she is irresistible, plain and simple, and when she walked into that bar, in that dress, with that smile and those squinty little eyes, I didn't stand a chance. And she knew it.
I love my wife. Not like I love football, or even Tennessee football, not like like I love Sam, or love blues music, or love grilling out, its different, its a challenge, cause for some reason, no matter how much I try, i know that I don't love her enough, that I am still not doing it just right, that there is more out there, more I can do to show her, to let her know that I am so lucky. And that she is so perfect just for me.
She is my Bigfoot, my Nessie, my Unicorn, becuase for a long time, I had convinced myself that she didn't and wouldn't exist, not for me. But then she walked in.
Today, she is procrastination worthy, and I owe her a great thanks for now taking up at least 48 minutes of my time as I attempted to put words into play that begin to describe some of how I feel about her.
I love you Kerry,
thank you for giving me a chance.
PS. We should have pictures of the baby later. FYI.
Yes. Yes. I have been rooted in a deep and dark period of procrastination, one that has seen me resort to reading, shopping for a new wardrobe, creating projects for Baby Jack's room (if that is really his name), and checking my email 762 times a day hoping for signs of new employment.
My mind fights the urge to call my wife 14 times an hour it seems, not becuase I have anything important to say or ask, but simply becuase we both are extremely dependant on the other's thoughts, emotions, stabilities to exist when things just aren't......engaging. She is my fullback, my leadblocker, the staple of my offense. She is my safety, my playmaker, the backbone of my defense. I can always count on her, or so I am convinced. This often annoys her and in return leaves me bewildered.
How can she not have any exciting news, her life is rotund with vigor and intrigue. She is carrying the most precarious of beings around with her at all times. She has a husband that is to be worried about, at an elevated level, he is always at Alert Orange. Our daughter is currently concentrating on being a girl, an identity crisis she has overcome and now an identity concentration she has obtained. These things are riveting and conversation worthy, yet after our 6 conversations during the day, all I have been able to gather from her is that she is hungry, tired, and not amused by my phone calls.
I check her blog daily, and facebook stalk her, and only her, I am more than a little enamoured by a creature that is willing to cohabitate with me. She shares a bathroom with me. We shed equally. Maybe it's a fair trade.
There will come a time in many many lives when waking up and going to bed becomes routine, a simple inhale and exhale in our lives. but not my life, not our lives. You see, when I got married things were different, I had been preparing my entire life for things not to be that way. No, for 25 years I spent my nights lying awake scared as hell that I was going to mess up and get married, mess up and have a family, mess up and deeply impact the lives of the perfectly innocent. My vows were not to love honor and respect, til death do us part. Not in my mind, my vow was to run run run, and hope to live on without others knowing. Sadly, this was not meant to be. I was trapped, captured, tortured, and then engaged, only to become married. And now, IT IS ON!!!
I love my wife. I love her unexplainably, I love her unconditionally, I love her insanely. And it is not fair to her becuase most of the time, I love her ineffectively (word?). I expect too much of her, I want all of her, I need for her to know and understand, I look for her to be strong and stable, and I hope that she can provide and endure. And everyday, EVERDAY, she exists just the way that she needs to, just the way that she is supposed to, and everday I wonder will she be able to do it all again. And everymorning she does.
She is perfect, perfectly resilient, perfectly unstable, perfectly unkept, and pefectly imbalanced. She fits me like a 3 day old pants, soft and stretched to perfection, tattered and torn in only the way that you would appreciate fully. She is oh so warm and oh so comforting at just the right times. She is angry and stubborn in a way that always works. She is committed to being a new flavor, a new color, a new style everday just for me, only for me, and always for me. She loves me the way that was unimaginable to me 3 years ago when I was contemplating asking her to marry me.
My wife is better than yours, she is prettier, funnier, nicer, sweeter, she smells better, cooks better, takes care of the bills, makes babies that are amazing, and likes to watch football even if its only becuase its easier than asking me to change it. In the mornings, she kisses me even when I am asleep and won't remember, she eats cinamon toast cause its easy and yummy, and reads everyblog that she can get to becuase she loves people. I think she chose to be a nurse becuase of the wardrobe and she loves flowers. I miss her all the time, even when she is with me, becuase I can never get enough. I am addicted in a way that scares me. I never ever thought I would be at this point, I wouldn't let myself. I knew that I would mess it up, and I might, cause....you know....its possible. But she is irresistible, plain and simple, and when she walked into that bar, in that dress, with that smile and those squinty little eyes, I didn't stand a chance. And she knew it.
I love my wife. Not like I love football, or even Tennessee football, not like like I love Sam, or love blues music, or love grilling out, its different, its a challenge, cause for some reason, no matter how much I try, i know that I don't love her enough, that I am still not doing it just right, that there is more out there, more I can do to show her, to let her know that I am so lucky. And that she is so perfect just for me.
She is my Bigfoot, my Nessie, my Unicorn, becuase for a long time, I had convinced myself that she didn't and wouldn't exist, not for me. But then she walked in.
Today, she is procrastination worthy, and I owe her a great thanks for now taking up at least 48 minutes of my time as I attempted to put words into play that begin to describe some of how I feel about her.
I love you Kerry,
thank you for giving me a chance.
PS. We should have pictures of the baby later. FYI.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Quick Update
I've been working a little extra lately, so sorry for the delay.
Grace is still LOVING Kindergarten. She was telling me today about all the new friends that she is making. She got moved up to the advanced class in Gymnastics, and soccer season starts soon. She is one busy little girl. Her favorite part of school is still the cafeteria, something about the independence of picking out what she wants to eat on her own.
Wes is sick as a dog today. He has some sort of stomach bug, with a fever. Needless to say, Grace and I are trying to steer clear. Unfortunately, that means I'm not being the best nurse to him. I am not so sure that he understands that I just don't want to take the chance of getting what he's got. He sees me as a nurse, and I am not nursing him. I am trying to force fluids on him though. Keep him in your prayers, for his health, and he may possibly have something really big going on (good big.)
I've been working a little extra the past couple of weeks. I want to make some extra $$$ while I can. I have so many things I want to spend it on, so I figure I better be make some more.
Baby Farmer is doing well. I went to the doctor yesterday, and his growth is right on pace. No, he's not measuring HUGE anymore. Just right on track. I must say that I am relieved. We're having a 4D ultrasound next week, so be on the lookout for pictures! I'm really excited about it. I didn't have a 4D with Grace, but they are so neat to look at. We really need to get busy on his room. It is painted, and we have a bed and dresser, but it's a bit bare. We just never seem to be here at the same time to work on it. Maybe this weekend.....
Here's a pic of the cute paint job Wes did.
The top stripe us brown, and so are the bows on the bedding, for some reason they look black!
Grace is still LOVING Kindergarten. She was telling me today about all the new friends that she is making. She got moved up to the advanced class in Gymnastics, and soccer season starts soon. She is one busy little girl. Her favorite part of school is still the cafeteria, something about the independence of picking out what she wants to eat on her own.
Wes is sick as a dog today. He has some sort of stomach bug, with a fever. Needless to say, Grace and I are trying to steer clear. Unfortunately, that means I'm not being the best nurse to him. I am not so sure that he understands that I just don't want to take the chance of getting what he's got. He sees me as a nurse, and I am not nursing him. I am trying to force fluids on him though. Keep him in your prayers, for his health, and he may possibly have something really big going on (good big.)
I've been working a little extra the past couple of weeks. I want to make some extra $$$ while I can. I have so many things I want to spend it on, so I figure I better be make some more.
Baby Farmer is doing well. I went to the doctor yesterday, and his growth is right on pace. No, he's not measuring HUGE anymore. Just right on track. I must say that I am relieved. We're having a 4D ultrasound next week, so be on the lookout for pictures! I'm really excited about it. I didn't have a 4D with Grace, but they are so neat to look at. We really need to get busy on his room. It is painted, and we have a bed and dresser, but it's a bit bare. We just never seem to be here at the same time to work on it. Maybe this weekend.....
Here's a pic of the cute paint job Wes did.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Here are some pictures!!!!





Here they are.....I know it's been a while since I've posted any, so forgive me for the overload! THe quality is not the best in the outside picture....thanks to the humidity. And, I did not realize how badly I needed a visit with the sun. (Big baby===no iron!!) Grace loved school again today! Hope life is treating you all well! Enjoy the pictures!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I Have Survived.....
It is all most time to go pick Grace up from her first day of school, and I have not yet had a panic attack. I tried to write a post last night, but for some reason it would not post. So, I'll give you a run down.
Grace and I spent the last day of her being a "little kid" doing girlie things. She got her haircut, and nails painted, and we made cookies for her snack. We read "The Kissing Hand" before bed. (Meagan got this book for us. I'm not sure how I made it through it, but anyone who has a child starting school should read it. Thank you Meagan!) Kristy sent Grace some pink tulips wishing her good luck at school, and Grace was really excited about the bubble wrap! I am so blessed to have people in my life that love our daughter so much.
Wes and I got up this morning and made Grace chocolate chip muffins (her favorite!!), then went to wake her up with the camera and camcorder in hand. ( I will post both, but Wes will have to show me how to do the video, and I have to get the pictures developed.) of course, the outfit I had picked out was not suitable for the first day of school (according to Grace), so we had to pick something else out. She wanted to be able to wear her cool new tennis shoes, so she could not wear the dress I had picked out. She looked so sweet.
We headed to school, and about halfway there, Grace said "Mommy, you ARE going to walk me in, right? I didn't know if they would let us get out so I told her that we would see. When we pulled up she saw other parents, and said "Mommy they got out, so you have to! I don't know which of us was more relieved. I only got to walk her to the front door, and that was the only time I nearly freaked out. When some other lady walked up and told me she would make sure she made it from there. I got a bit teary eyed. But survived.
I went back to help at lunch, and she was having the best time. She ate well, and was happy to see me. (Which of course made my day). She got Mr. Mike as her teacher, and he let me know that everything was going well. Her best friend from camp, Erin, is in her class, and Mr. Mike let them sit next to each other. I got to sit with her for a minute during lunch, and she let me know that Kindergarten was THE BEST.
Thanks Kristy and Sarah for calling and checking on me. i am so lucky to have you both. I can't wait until you have kids and I can do the same for you. Thanks to my family who love us and helped to prepare us for this day. Thank you Wes, you are amazing. THank you for being understanding everytime I have dissolved into tears. You have been very patient with me. You have been the best husband and dad. Kindergarten is going to be a great adventure for all of us! And, in five years, we will be doing it all again!!!!!
Grace and I spent the last day of her being a "little kid" doing girlie things. She got her haircut, and nails painted, and we made cookies for her snack. We read "The Kissing Hand" before bed. (Meagan got this book for us. I'm not sure how I made it through it, but anyone who has a child starting school should read it. Thank you Meagan!) Kristy sent Grace some pink tulips wishing her good luck at school, and Grace was really excited about the bubble wrap! I am so blessed to have people in my life that love our daughter so much.
Wes and I got up this morning and made Grace chocolate chip muffins (her favorite!!), then went to wake her up with the camera and camcorder in hand. ( I will post both, but Wes will have to show me how to do the video, and I have to get the pictures developed.) of course, the outfit I had picked out was not suitable for the first day of school (according to Grace), so we had to pick something else out. She wanted to be able to wear her cool new tennis shoes, so she could not wear the dress I had picked out. She looked so sweet.
We headed to school, and about halfway there, Grace said "Mommy, you ARE going to walk me in, right? I didn't know if they would let us get out so I told her that we would see. When we pulled up she saw other parents, and said "Mommy they got out, so you have to! I don't know which of us was more relieved. I only got to walk her to the front door, and that was the only time I nearly freaked out. When some other lady walked up and told me she would make sure she made it from there. I got a bit teary eyed. But survived.
I went back to help at lunch, and she was having the best time. She ate well, and was happy to see me. (Which of course made my day). She got Mr. Mike as her teacher, and he let me know that everything was going well. Her best friend from camp, Erin, is in her class, and Mr. Mike let them sit next to each other. I got to sit with her for a minute during lunch, and she let me know that Kindergarten was THE BEST.
Thanks Kristy and Sarah for calling and checking on me. i am so lucky to have you both. I can't wait until you have kids and I can do the same for you. Thanks to my family who love us and helped to prepare us for this day. Thank you Wes, you are amazing. THank you for being understanding everytime I have dissolved into tears. You have been very patient with me. You have been the best husband and dad. Kindergarten is going to be a great adventure for all of us! And, in five years, we will be doing it all again!!!!!
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